Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Long time no update, whatever what can I say Im busy. Schools started and what does that mean? wrestling, also less time to train. But Im managing and still training just have less time to do things like this. But I digress, took 2nd in gi and nogi last comp, its bull but w.e. Theres always a next time speaking of, training for NAGA right now its coming up in december. But trainings going good, Im on kind of a plateau now, actually feel like I've gotten worse since the tourney which is ironic. Right now Im just focusing on drilling technique Im diverting my attention away rolling and accomplishments Im more of in a work stage... But I still feel GREAT after rolling. For example we were drilling simple things such as scissor sweep today and I was really tense because we did it before rolling but after it seemed like nothing. Jitz still relaxes me mentally everytime. Right now Im trying to give back a bit by helping those in need of it. I found my self being somewhat self centered when it came to training which is not always a bad thing but it feels good to help. Anyways wrestling.... FUN well sort of, I can't believe I get to spend an hour and a half of my school day learning how to toss people over my head. Its awesome. But, I have to condition which I HATE but you know its part of being good, I gotta work on telling the voice in my head to quit to shut up. Its hard. But nothing I cant really handle. I will give more updates now since Im settled in so untill next update...
Things I need to work on:
1)Not being lazy when mounted