Friday, September 4, 2009


Good training has been done since last update, no wrestling news just conditioning still. It's cool. But Jiu jitsu ahhh.... where to begin? Well I have just registered to compete in the King of the Mats at UT of Arlington in the 14-18 yr 140-149 lbs. division. Gi and Nogi. What can I say, Im excited. I just hope I do my best that is all I ask nothing more and definitely nothing less. Training has been great. I had a mini plateau a little bit ago but I feel better now. I'm steadily advancing. I'm practicing with handicaps to prepare for the tourney, such as letting them hit me while we roll, and finishing submissions without my hands. I'm using triangles alot more and feel more confident passing guard. I plan on pulling guard threating/finishing triangle or sweeping in the tourney and using armbars and shoulder locks to finish. Anything else is just gravy. Need to work on my half but don't really plan on using it during the tourney. I will not be dissappointed if someone better than me my age and heighth beats me, only if I lose because of something that could have been prevented easily. Like I said I haven't met someone my age and weight that has been hugecompetition, I am certain he's out there I just hope he isn't attending this tourney. Going to the Sunday class so I will update than.
Things that need work
1) Working uncomfortable positions (i.e. being stacked)
2)Half guard bottom
3)Stop being lazy on bottom!!!!